Have you suffered from significant or complete tooth loss on one or both arches? This can have a huge impact on your confidence and overall quality of life. Traditional dentures are great for some people, but they do have multiple downsides. Fortunately, there is another solution that can give you your smile back. At Temple Choice Dental, we offer implant dentures as a longer-lasting solution to missing teeth. To learn more if implant dentures are right for you, give us a call to schedule your consultation.
Traditional dentures rely on the shape and natural suction of your mouth to stay put. On the other hand, implant dentures work a bit differently. They are supported by a series of small, screwlike posts that are surgically inserted into the jawbone for a strong foundation. This helps to keep your new smile stable for a long time. Because dental implants stimulate the jawbone through regular chewing, you don’t need to worry about routine repairs and replacements. There are a couple of different types of implant dentures. During your visit with us, we will discuss and determine which of the following is right for you.
A fixed implant denture is designed to stay in place at all times. It can only be removed by a dental professional. In the majority of cases, four to six strategically placed dental implants are placed to hold a permanent denture. This is preferred by many patients because it feels more like real teeth. For this type of denture, you must have sufficient jawbone density.
Removable implant dentures, sometimes called “snap-on” dentures, are also held into place using dental implants. The difference is that they use clips or ball sockets to attach to them. This way, patients can take their dentures out as needed. This style of implant dentures should be removed throughout the day for cleaning. They only require two to five implants to be successful.
During your dental implant consultation, we will determine whether you make a good candidate for implant dentures. Then, we can create a treatment plan that meets your needs. For some patients, preparatory procedures are needed before getting dental implants to improve the probability of success.
The dental implants are surgically placed in your jawbone. Then, they will fuse to the surrounding bone tissue in a process called “osseointegration.” This can take up to six months. Next, we will place metal connectors called “abutments.” We will design your final denture according to your needs and secure it in place.
Most healthy adults are good candidates for implant dentures. During your consultation, we will discuss your needs and explain what your options are. To make a good candidate, it’s important that you:
Here are just some of the numerous benefits you can experience when you opt for implant dentures as opposed to traditional ones: